Why You Are Shackled by Self-Doubt and How to Break Free - 300

I’m aiming to help you better understand why you play smaller than you want, and arm you with new perspectives and tools to step fully into your power.

Nov 30, -0001

Why USPs Don’t Work and What Speakers Should Focus on Instead with Chantal Cornelius - 299

Marketing expert and National President of the Professional Speakers Association, Chantal Cornelius is here to share what speakers should focus on in their marketing.

Sep 26, 2024

From the Curious Encounters of Forensic Psychiatry to Cruise Ship Speaking with Rhona Morrison - 298

Former forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Rhona Morrison shares how she transitioned from working with criminals to ‘edutaining’ audiences as a speaker on cruise ships.

Sep 19, 2024

[Quick Tip] Do You Want to Wing it or Bring It as a Speaker? - 297

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content, this one is my view on why you shouldn't wing your talk.

Sep 12, 2024

Unlocking the Cheat Code to Better Health and Performance with Margie Chavasse - 296

Are you putting up with health niggles that are affecting your confidence & performance as a speaker? If you are, or you just want to stay in top health then you’ll love this interview with Margie.

Nov 30, -0001

Obstacles to Building Your Speaking Gig Pipeline - 295

Many people give up on their dream of becoming a professional speaker because they can’t get regular paid gigs. Here I’m sharing the things that stop them, so that you can avoid the same traps.

Nov 30, -0001

[Quick Tip] Nuggets from the Speaker Summit - 294

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is sharing expert advice from the speaker summit.

Nov 30, -0001

Breaking the Silence with Don Ryan - 293

How do you approach speaking about a topic that is triggering, uncomfortable, and often taboo? That’s what my guest, author Don Ryan, will be sharing about in this episode.

Nov 30, -0001

[Quick Tip] Why We Avoid Making Decisions and Give Up Too Soon! - 292

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one will help you make decisions faster and stay in action.

Nov 30, -0001

The True Levers You Need to Pull for Positive Change with Ruth Taylor - 291

If you want to be a transformational speaker then you must influence the audience and inspire action, and in this show Ruth Taylor will share the real levers you need to pull to effect change.

Jun 01, 2024

[Quick Tip] How to Make Your Talk More Marketable - 290

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on how to make your talk more marketable

May 21, 2024

The Truth Prescription - Hacking Your Health with Dr Brooke Bussard MD - 289

Dr Brooke Bussard is here to share how she is busting nutritional myths and transforming lives with science and stories.

Apr 30, 2024

[Quick Tip] Why Most Speakers will Never Get Paid to Speak - 288

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on creating your mission statement

Apr 15, 2024

A Powerful Way to Raise Your Speaking Profile with Elliot Kay - 287

Speaking is a competitive business & to win more bookings & higher fees, you need to stand out & show your worth. Elliot Kay is here to share how you can raise your speaker profile.

Apr 05, 2024

Making National Security Meaningful with David Van Bennekum - 286

Some subjects feel too nebulous, too emotionally charged, or just too big to tackle, but it is possible to make them fun and relatable and David Van Bennekum is here to share how.

Mar 29, 2024

License to Thrill… Your Audience - 285

Can’t understand why sometimes the audience is ‘with you’ and other times they’re as engaged as your grandad after Sunday lunch? This show has the answer.

Mar 21, 2024

[Quick Tip] Why You Need to Think Like the Victim Not the Hero - 284

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on creating your mission statement

Mar 10, 2024

Making Your Brand Uniquely You with Becky Benfield-Humberstone - 283

It’s easy to fall into the trap of looking and sounding like every other brand. So, how do you avoid it? Well that’s where my guest Becky Benfield-Humberstone, comes in.

Nov 30, -0001

[Quick Tip] How to Show Authority Without Shoving it in People’s Faces - 282

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.

Jan 30, 2024

Karmic Selling - How to Win Big and Feel Good with Stan Gwizdak - 281

Traditional sales techniques can leave both seller and buyer feeling regret, but how do you sell authentically and still get results? That’s what Stan Gwizdak is here to share.

Jan 24, 2024

Protecting Your Ass-ets with Heather Pearce-Campbell - 280

Getting clear on how to properly protect the IP and assets you’ve created in your business and as a speaker can be a struggle. That’s where my guest Heather Pearce-Campbell is going to help you out!

Jan 05, 2024

[Quick Tip] Lead with the Problem - 278

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.

Dec 21, 2023

The Person You Should be Role Modelling for Success in 2024 - 279

In this episode, I’m sharing some new ideas for making this coming year your best ever. If you want to keep motivated long after New Year, then this show is for you.

Dec 28, 2023

Stop Being Humble and Step into Your Power with Lisa Bragg - 277

Is it possible to brag in a way that attracts people to you, not turn them off? Lisa Bragg, author of Bragging Rights believes so, & she's here to redefine bragging & share the right way to do it.

Dec 14, 2023

[Quick Tip] Talking About the Plane vs. Talking About the Pain - 276

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.

Dec 06, 2023

Dare to be Different with Kyla Skinner - 275

Do you want your business writing to help your business grow? Then listen up, because copywriter Kyla Skinner is here to share how to do that in a way that feels easy and natural.

Nov 23, 2023

The Art of Explanation with Ros Atkins - 274

Ever found yourself struggling to explain something complex? Then listen up! Ros Atkins demystifies the art of effective communication so you can convey even the most intricate ideas with ease.

Nov 10, 2023

The Epic Journey to the Stage with Jamie McAnsh - 273

Jamie McAnsh woke up paralysed overnight, and has overcome relentless adversity to fulfil his dreams and give hope to others. Great tips for resilience and navigating your speaking journey await.

Nov 30, -0001

[Quick Tip] Commit to the Hook of Your Talk - 272

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.

Oct 20, 2023

Getting the Slide Advantage with Philippa Leguen de Lacroix - 271

Philippa Leguen de Lacroix is founder of slide design agency ‘Presented’, and she is going to share tips on how to make your slides your secret success sauce!

Oct 10, 2023

[Quick Tip] How to Downsize Your Keynote - 270

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to cut down your keynote.

Nov 30, -0001

Decoding Audience Sophistication: Tailoring Talks for Maximum Impact - 269

Like the sea, an effective talk should have an ebb and a flow, but why is this important and how do you leverage our human programming to do it? Find out here.

Nov 30, -0001

Increase Your Speaking Impact by Creating a ‘Push and Pull’ Talk - 268

Like the sea, an effective talk should have an ebb and a flow, but why is this important and how do you leverage our human programming to do it? Find out here.

Nov 30, -0001

Telling Stories and Creating Legacies with Jo Gatford - 267

To be a successful speaker you must draw your audience to you, so that they are interested and open to listening to your message. That’s what my guest Tina Bakehouse is here to talk about.

Nov 30, -0001

How to Overcome Skepticism and Increase Audience Buy-In - 266

Here I’m sharing some tools to help you establish credibility for your message, overcome the skepticism so prevalent today, and get buy-in to your idea.

Nov 30, -0001

Becoming a Magnetic Speaker with Tina Bakehouse - 265

To be a successful speaker you must draw your audience to you, so that they are interested and open to listening to your message. That’s what my guest Tina Bakehouse is here to talk about.

May 18, 2023

Live Well and Make Sales Every Day with Ross O’Lochlainn - 264

Ross O’Lochlainn is helping burnt out business owners get off the feast and famine sales rollercoaster. He’s here to share how to improve your health and make sales every day.

May 11, 2023

How to Write and Deliver a Eulogy - 263

How do you honour someone you cared for, keep your audience engaged and make it through without losing control? That’s what this show will answer.

Nov 30, -0001

Exploratory Writing and the Truth About Business Books with Alison Jones - 262

Speaking or writing a book are alternative ways to communicate one to many, but which comes first and how do you ensure your book is good? Publisher Alison Jones is here to share the answers.

Mar 30, 2023

[Quick Tip] Becoming a Thought Leader - 261

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on becoming a thought leader

Mar 24, 2023

Engaging Ostriches and Speaking about Super Wicked Problems with Catherine Weetman - 260

Regeneration and circular economy specialist Catherine Weetman is here to share how to motivate people to tackle a problem when there’s no clear solution

Mar 16, 2023

[Quick Tip] Rant and Reverse - 259

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content. This tip is all about Comic timing.

Nov 30, -0001

Thrutopia - The New Storytelling Genre with the Power to Change Everything with Manda Scott - 258

Manda Scott is a best selling novelist, thought leader and podcast host, and she is here to share about a new genre of storytelling that could take your speaking to the next level.

Nov 30, -0001

[Quick Tip] Comic Timing - 257

Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content. This tip is all about Comic timing.

Nov 30, -0001

Snackable Story Masterclass with Greg Satell - 256

Get a quick, practical structure for sharing short stories, and then see my guest Greg Satell use short stories masterfully.

Nov 30, -0001

How to Write and be Understood with Anne Janzer - 255

Whether you’re writing a business book, or creating a keynote speech, traps await you that stop your message landing. To avoid those traps, listen to my conversation with writing guru Anne Janzer.

Feb 16, 2023

The Four Steps to Standing Out in a Competitive Niche - 254

Are you struggling to stand out in a competitive niche? Help is here! Listen up to discover four things you need to do to become a thought leader in that space!

Feb 10, 2023

How to Build Rapport with an Audience and Why You Should do it - 253

Great content and strong presentation skills aren’t enough to get the results you want as a speaker. You also need something else and that extra ingredient is what I share all about here.

Nov 30, -0001

Can Meditating Make You a Better Speaker? - 252

More people than ever before are meditating, but I wanted to explore if meditation can make you a better speaker, and that’s what this show is all about.

Nov 30, -0001

From Empty Corporate Buzzword to Your Competitive Edge… Collaboration with Deb Mashek - 251

Examples of successful collaboration are the exception not the rule. So, how do we get better at it? Well that’s where my guest Deb Mashek, and this show comes in!

Nov 30, -0001

Harness the Power of Persuasive Language to Get What You Want with Jackie Brennan - 250

Want to discover the secret language hacks that influence people’s behaviours? Jackie Brennan is here to make your communication more compelling?

Jan 05, 2023

The 12 Speaking Gems of Christmas (Treasure Hunt)  - 249

This episode is a speaking treasure hunt. Discover the 12 ‘gems’ located in previous Speaking Club shows, and you’ll uplevel your speaking and get the chance to win big!

Dec 23, 2022

Moving Your Audience from Pessimism to Possibility with Marcus Hemsley - 248

How do you tackle a topic that is emotive and divisive? How do you get people to choose possibility over pessimism? That’s what I’m discussing with Marcus Hemsley.

Dec 15, 2022

Best Of: Staying the Course with James Ketchell - 247

I’ve dug into the archives to bring adventurer James Ketchell’s episode to the top for tips and inspiration for weathering the current challenges in play and on the horizon.

Jan 04, 2023

How to Stop Networking Feeling as ‘Awkward as Arse’! with Charlie Lawson - 246

Business networking conversations can feel awkward, but they don’t have to be. Charlie Lawson is here to make your networking easier and more effective!

Dec 01, 2022

Overcome Anxiety and Power Up Your Speaking with this Secret Weapon - 245

Want to know what can kick speaking anxiety into touch and supercharge your confidence and delivery. Then listen up to find out.

Nov 30, -0001

Why Wealth is Your Birthright with Susie Carder - 244

Susie Carder grew up poor but speaking led her to create multi-million companies and coach some of the biggest names in business.

Nov 03, 2022

[Best of] Build Your Brand By Being an AWESOME Podcast Guest – 242

Being a podcast guest enables you to leverage one of the fastest growing mediums for sharing your message, and this show will help you do just that.

Oct 20, 2022

My Five in Five Discoveries for Success and Happiness - 241

The Speaking Club is 5 this month! So to recognise this milestone, I'm sharing some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past 5 years in life, speaking & business. I hope they resonate with you

Oct 14, 2022

Getting Yourself in the Frame with Marcus Ahmad - 240

Marcus Ahmad has led fashion shoots in Paris, London and New York, and taught today’s hot shot photographers, and he’s here to give you tips on how to present yourself for success.

Oct 06, 2022

How to Share an Emotional Story Without Losing Control - 239

There are two questions that I get asked regularly about sharing emotionally charged stories. How much of the experience should I share, & how can I share it without losing control?

Sep 29, 2022

[Insights] on Making Complex Ideas Simple, Relatable and Engaging

In this insights episode you’re going to get tips from myself and other experts on how to make technical and complex information relatable, engaging for your audience.

Sep 15, 2022

Applying the Psychology of Sports Performance to Sales Success with Phil Coley - 238

Sales and sports psychology expert Phil Coley is here to share his experience and how you can develop your business, sales and speaking performance.

Sep 22, 2022

Where There’s a Will There’s a Voice with Shrenik Shah - 236

Shrenik Shah’s is a successful speaker, even though he had his vocal box removed 26 years ago. Let this story inspire you.

Sep 08, 2022

Vibrating at the Right Frequency When You Speak - 235

No matter how good your content or speaking skills are, without this one thing your talks will always lack the emotional punch needed to move your audience and get you results.

Sep 01, 2022

The Diamond Dozen for Developing Your Speaking Skills - 234

Speaking with impact is a combination of what you say & how you say it. Developing 4 core skills will help you deliver your message powerfully, these 12 ep's focus on the core 4 to help you be awesome

Aug 05, 2022

How to Harness the Power of Silence in Your Public Speaking - 233

I often coach clients on when, where, how & why to leverage the power of a pause in their talks. So, I'm sharing different ways you can use silence in your speaking to increase the punch of your talks

Jul 28, 2022

How to Beat Stage Fright with Elisa De Napoli - 232

If you suffer from performance anxiety, then this podcast is for you. Elisa De Napoli, a singer songwriter who went from being paralysed by fear to mastering her mind & she's sharing how she did it

Jul 21, 2022

The Important Distinction That Will Set You Free and Increase Your Impact - 231

Do you find yourself avoiding tasks that you know will move you closer to your goals? If so, you’re not alone. Find out why you might be getting stuck and possible solutions.

Jul 14, 2022

How to Overcome the Odds and Achieve Your Goals with Dre Baldwin - 230

If you feel there are huge obstacles standing between you & success, that you aren’t achieving all you can. You’ll love my interview with Dre Baldwin, ex pro basketball player & YouTube influencer.

Jul 07, 2022

What is the Big Idea and Why Does it Matter for Successful Presentations? - 229

If your talk doesn’t have the ‘Big Idea’ it won’t have the impact you want. That’s why it’s a key concept in my talk framework. Here, I share what it is, why you need it & how you share it.

Jun 30, 2022

[Insights] Framing and Managing Anxiety Around Public Speaking- 228

I suspect that wherever you are on your speaking journey, anxiety has reared its head & slowed you down or stopped you fulfilling your potential. Here, you’ll get tips on managing and re-framing it.

Jun 23, 2022

Best of: Changing the World One Talk at a Time with Devin Thorpe – 227

Our world has many challenges right now & it’s tempting to do nothing because we feel helpless. That’s why I’m re-sharing this interview with Devin Thorpe, he believes 1 person CAN make a difference.

Jun 16, 2022

The Difference Between Inspirational and Motivational Speaking - 226

Many speakers confuse being ‘inspirational’ with being ‘motivational’. Being inspirational isn’t enough. you need to create the desire in your audience to do something. That’s what this show is about.

Jun 09, 2022

The Confidence Catch 22 for Using Stories and Humour in Speaking- 224

In this show I share the dilemma that trips up many people when they start using stories & humour to level up their speaking. Plus, I'll give you tips & ideas to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

May 26, 2022

Why Employees Need Great Pitching Skills Too! - 223

Opportunities to pitch yourself, idea, or project can come anytime, anyplace or anywhere … networking, company meetings, social events, or around the water cooler. The question is ... are you ready?

May 19, 2022

[Insights] on Better Networking, Follow Up Conversations, and Connecting Strategically - 222

You’ll hear from 4 experts in building powerful strategic & authentic relationships. What they share will help you connect & communicate more powerfully so that you can grow your network & business.

May 12, 2022

The Story of the Early Warning System that Could Save Your Life with Verla Fortier - 221

Verla Fortier’s childhood friend Lesley died from an unexplained heart attack on a short road trip. Unable to move on, Verla investigated, and she’s here to share the story of what she discovered.

May 05, 2022

Leading Successful Change Through Storytelling - 220

Most organisations struggle to implement change effectively. Leaders have a massive opportunity to influence successful change when they first communicate about it, and that’s what I share about here.

Apr 28, 2022

Tips for Creating a Talk and Using Speaking to Get More Book Sales - 219

In this show, I’m sharing tips for creating a talk about your book and how to adapt it to the different platforms for growing your audience.

Apr 21, 2022

How You Can Share Your Passion and Purpose on the Page with AnnMarie Wyncoll - 218

AnneMarie Wyncoll is here to help you decide whether you should write a book, and how to do it the right way.

Apr 14, 2022

[Insights] Using Your Voice in Public Speaking with Jay Miller, Helen Langford, Kristin Linklater and Sarah Archer - 217

You’ll hear from myself & some vocal heavyweights. Get insight & expert advice on unleashing the potential of your voice to increase the impact of your speaking, & audience engagement.

Apr 07, 2022

What do TV Documentaries Have to Do with Whether You Should Use Slides in Your Talks? - 216

Should you use slides in your presentation? In this show, I’m sharing my answer and giving you the lowdown on alternatives.

Mar 31, 2022

Why the Conventional Approach to Managing Mental Health is Flawed and What to Do Instead with Jackie Brennan - 215

Jackie Brennan discovered she’d been on autopilot for most of her life, & it cost her dearly. Today, she helps organisations & individuals adopt a new approach to create sustainable high performance.

Mar 24, 2022

Why You Should Always Lead with Emotion in Your Speaking and How to Do it - 214

How do you turn a series of events into an emotional story that inspires, lingers and leads to action? That’s what this show is all about.

Mar 17, 2022

How to Ensure Your Message Lands When You’re Speaking to an International Audience with Shelley Purchon - 213

Shelley Purchon is sharing how to engage international audiences whatever their level of English, so that you can better retain talent, make more sales and land your message.

Mar 10, 2022

Stimulating Serendipity: How to Be Luckier in Speaking and Business - 212

It’s easy to justify other people’s success & our failures by blaming them on luck. But what if you had the power to influence luck & get serendipity on your side?

Mar 03, 2022

Best of: Universal Themes & Story Plots for Powerful Public Speaking & Marketing Content

Universal themes and story plots are found running through the greatest talks, best-selling books, and highest performing sales copy. That’s why this episode has made it into my best of category.

Feb 24, 2022

How to Build a Massive Audience on YouTube with Dr Clare Roberts - 210

Psychologist, Dr Clare Roberts is back, and this time she is sharing her YouTube experience and how she built a massive audience and monetised her Channel.

Feb 17, 2022

Is Your Talk Speaking to the Right Audience? - 209

This show will help you avoid a big trap that many speakers fall into when they’re creating their talk that inevitably causes them lost sales.

Feb 10, 2022

Overcoming the Different Dimensions of Public Speaking Anxiety with Dr Clare Roberts - 208

Clare is a psychologist with a massive following on YouTube. In part 1, we're talking about the multiple aspects of public speaking anxiety & how to manage & overcome them so you don’t have regrets.

Feb 03, 2022

The Power of Speaking and the Lessons of Losing it All with Peter Roper - 207

The topic of Peter's speaking changed after he lost his business, his home & the future he’d planned. Here he shares what happened next, what he learned & powerful speaking tips!

Jan 27, 2022

‘KISS’… My Arse! How to Make Your Message Connect Better - 206

Struggling to connect your audience with your message in the way you want? Finding it difficult to make your topic sexy & accessible? Or succumbing to 1 of the biggest communication myths out there.

Jan 20, 2022

How You Can Improve Your Sales by ‘Selling Hot’ with Marcus Cauchi - 205

Marcus Cauchi is joining me to debunk sales myths, share how he went from 1 in 20 sales to 100% closure, and talk stories in business.

Jan 13, 2022

Beyond Busy Podcast: Telling Your Story with Sarah Archer - 204

As a guest on the Beyond Busy podcast I’m drawing back the curtain on my own successes and failures and giving you some ideas, tools and new perspectives for your speaking and storytelling.

Jan 06, 2022

Why You Should Consider Creating Your Own Stage with Ben Bennett - 203

Sales expert and business coach Ben Bennett shares great tips for getting more speaking opportunities and for consistent business growth.

Dec 30, 2021

Why You Should PAT Your Audience! - 202

This business storytelling framework will make your content more engaging, save you time, build your confidence and grow your business.

Dec 23, 2021

How to Build and Grow Your Professional Network with Stefan Thomas - 201

Stefan Thomas is here to share how to develop and sustain your business relationships to enable business and career growth.

Dec 16, 2021

How to Make the Most of Speaking Opportunities Whilst Staying True to You with Kaye King - 200

My purpose here, is to inspire, educate & motivate you to get out & share your unique voice & message through speaking. So, I wanted to share a case study with Kaye King who’s done just that.

Dec 09, 2021

Big Conversations and Why they Matter with Sarah Rozenthuler - 199

Business psychologist Sarah Rozenthuler shares about how to have more authentic dialogue, big conversations and being powered by purpose.

Dec 02, 2021

The Biggest Barrier to Fulfilling Your Speaking Potential - 198

No matter how much you learn, unless you conquer this one thing, you will never fulfil your potential or get the results that you want.

Nov 25, 2021

The Simple Truths About SEO and How it Makes Your Business Grow with Graham Baylis - 197

Graham Baylis is here to demystify SEO, so that you understand how to use it to grow your business by getting more traffic to your website.

Nov 24, 2021

No negative thought puts you in the corner! - 001

Whether you're just starting out, have some experience with speaking in public, or you make a living speaking professionally, there's will be something here for everyone.

Nov 02, 2017

Magically Speaking with Richard Parsons - 002

Richard talks about managing nerves, tips for engaging people, Coué's Law and the power of auto-suggestion, how he gets bookings, and lots, lots more more.

Nov 02, 2017

How to Create a Killer Elevator Pitch - 003

I’ve written 100s of elevator/investor pitches for clients. On this show, I share some of my secrets. I talk you through my framework, & give practical examples of each step.

Nov 02, 2017

Murder Most Engaging with Helen Saxton - 004

In this show, Helen Saxton, tells us about how she managed to combine all her passions to create a unique business. Using storytelling to keep audiences engaged, entertained and learning.

Nov 02, 2017

Secrets to Storytelling (Part One) - 005

I want to share why I believe stories are so critical to business & speaking success. I also give you the essential ingredients great stories must have and practical examples.

Nov 02, 2017

Let's Get Social with Lindsey Burden - 006

She says that in that role she saw a lot of businesses thrive and others stall, and she took that insight into her new venture four years ago.

Nov 16, 2017

Secrets to Storytelling (Part Two) - 007

There are a few different models of the Hero’s Journey, and I’ve used most of them in my speaking and business. In this show, I’ll be focusing in on the 12-Stage model.

Nov 23, 2017

The Inside Track with Chris Dawes - 008

He is also a speaker and public speaking coach, and he shares some great tips in this episode on how to manage fear, find speaking success and enjoy the ride!

Nov 30, 2017

Secrets to Storytelling (Part Three) - 009

Whether you’re speaking, writing copy, or a book, this can help you create emotion and make it entertaining and engaging for your audience - this episode is for you!

Dec 07, 2017

The Wedding Speech with Andy Merryweather - 010

Andy Merryweather is an extremely talented piano player and singer, who is also practically a professional best man.

Dec 14, 2017

Technically Speaking! - 011

This week’s episode gives you tools and techniques to use to make your presentations scintillating and accessible for audiences, even if the information you’re sharing is highly technical.

Dec 21, 2017

What Makes a Great TEDx Talk with Ryan Hildebrandt - 012

As a founder of one of the most successful TEDx events in the UK, Ryan knows what it takes to get selected, and what you need to do to get your message heard by the most people.

Dec 28, 2017

Making Your TEDx Talk Memorable with Orlaith Carmody - 013

Orlaith Carmody has a wealth of experience around TEDx and speaking generally. In this show, we get the low down on how to make any talk you do linger in the memories of your audience

Jan 11, 2018

What's Your Big Idea? with Terri Trespicio  - 014

Terri speaks all over the USA, at a range of conferences and events, and was rated the #1 speaker at How Design Live in 2015. She also performs comedy regularly at clubs in New York City.

Jan 18, 2018

My TEDx Talk – The Good, The Bad & What I’d Do Differently Next Time - 015

This week’s episode brings together all the insight from my guests, & my own experience of TEDx, to give you a massive leg up to making your TEDx talk & achieve the results you want.

Jan 18, 2018

What is so funny...with Ashley Frieze - 016

In this episode, not only does Ashley take us behind the scenes of the life of a gigging comic, but shares some absolutely golden tips for how you can bring humour into your toolkit!

Jan 25, 2018

Speaking Funny! With Celia Delaney – 017

Celia Delaney is much in demand! She's also a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association, a coach, a singer and a comedian...and on this show she shares some of her secrets to success!

Feb 08, 2018

What Has Humour Ever Done For Us?! With Emma Stroud - 018

Being an actress, a clown, and recently improvising in London is not the typical background for an executive coach & host of global events, it’s this mix of comedic exploits that makes Emma stand out.

Feb 01, 2018

Humour 101 for Public Speaking – 019

Using humour as a speaker, sets you apart, and can build your career. Here, I share foundations of using humour in your speaking, the ingredients all jokes must have, and lots more.

Feb 08, 2018

Using Webinars and Workshops to Generate Leads and Sales – 020

If you’ve been considering doing a webinar, but you don’t know where to start, then this show is for you.

Feb 01, 2018

The Business of Speaking with Warren Knight - 021

Former Hip Hop dancer, Professional Speaker and Entreprenur, Warren Knight has a vision is to help 100,000 global businesses successfully sell more products and services by 2020.

Feb 08, 2018

An Insider's Guide to the Speaking Industry and Becoming a Paid Speaker with Maria Franzoni - 022

An owner of her own bureau, MFL, and a founding member of the European Association of Speakers Bureaux (EASB), Maria Franzoni is a formidable influence in the space.

Feb 15, 2018

Increase Your Influence with Warren Cass - 023

Warren talks about his journey to speaking, how he built his influence through networking, building key relationships and by being interested in people.

Feb 22, 2018

My 8 Hacks for Mental Resilience and Getting What You Want - 024

I’m sharing my eight hacks for staying resilient in a world where it’s harder than ever not to compare, where noise and distractions are invading our space almost 24/7

Mar 01, 2018

Are You a Back-Seat Driver in Your Life? with Louise Ladbrooke - 025

Louise is painfully honest, sharing the lessons she’s learned so that you can navigate today’s world of social media, the speaking, & achieve business success without losing your health or happiness.

Mar 08, 2018

Staying the Course with James Ketchell - 026

As a professional speaker and author, James shares the stories & lessons learned from his amazing journeys. He talks about the grit & persistence needed just to get to the start of his adventures....

Mar 08, 2018

From Vulnerability Comes Power with Harriet Waley-Cohen - 027

On this show Harriet shares how she uses vulnerability in her speaking and coaching, to help others beat their own demons, and grow her business.

Mar 15, 2018

How to Make Your Content Funny Without Forcing the Gag - 028

Most people are worried that using humour is risky, that it will sound forced, and that if they do a ‘joke’ and the audience doesn’t laugh, it will undermine their credibility...

Mar 29, 2018

How to Make Your Public Speaking Less Taxing with Mark Lee - 029

Mark Lee is one of the biggest influencers in the profession, he is also Treasurer of the Magic Circle, a coach, mentor and writer, all of which he does alongside his speaking.

Apr 18, 2018

The Natural Law of Good Public Speaking with Malcolm Gregory - 030

In this show Malcolm is sharing the secret he discovered to make him a successful speaker, alongside some great tips for making mundane content memorable.

Nov 24, 2021

The Powerpoint Surgeon Will See You Now with Lee Jackson - 031

Lee is a Past President of the Professional Speaking Association, a motivational speaker, author & coach. He coaches experts on how to design their slides in a way that connects with 'regular' people.

Apr 18, 2018

Psychological Speaking Success with Richard Wiseman - 032

Richard is a Professor of Psychology, and his research has been published across the world, alongside being a 10-time author of some of the most popular business psychology books today.

Apr 19, 2018

How to Find Stories to Share in Your Talks, Teaching and Marketing Content - 033

I’m giving you several techniques for exploring your life, & unlocking your memories. I’m also giving you some examples of stories from my own life, how I would use them from different angles.

Apr 26, 2018

The Hollywood Guru and the 100 Million Dollar Story with Michael Hauge - 034

He’s written best-selling books on screenwriting, how to pitch your story in Hollywood, & a great new book about how entrepreneurs can tell their story & those of their customers to win more business.

May 03, 2018

The After-Dinner Speaker is Served with Jeremy Nicholas - 035

Jeremy Nicholas is an in demand public speaker who gave up on a career in engineering before he’d even started, choosing to pursue his passion for radio, (even though his Mum said he was boring)...

May 10, 2018

The Keys to Compelling Storytelling with Margot Leitman - 036

This one's a must for speakers, leaders, entrepreneurs and anyone who wants to get better at telling stories to grow their business or brand.

May 17, 2018

Universal Themes & Story Plots for Powerful Public Speaking & Marketing Content - 037

I’m going to share what I know about universal themes and story plots, and some examples of how you can use them practically in your public speaking and marketing content.

May 31, 2018

Growing Your Sales Power with Julie Holmes - 038

Julie talks about defining prospects, whole company selling and the value proposition. On this show, she is giving us the low down on how to become the champion & trusted advisor of your prospects...

Jun 21, 2018

Body Language Secrets for Speaking and Sales Success with Shelly O’Donovan – 039

Shelly has spent many years in the public policy arena, working with corporations to shape their strategy & build bridges between the commercial interests of organizations & government affairs.

Jun 28, 2018

The Secrets to Filling Your Events & Workshops with QJ – 040

QJ teaches speakers and coaches how to attract your audience so that your events are full, and then how to mesmerize them with the event itself, so that they want to continue working with you.

Jul 05, 2018

Disrupt Your Way to Success with Carl Reader – 041

Carl's unorthodox background, entrepreneurial spirit, thirst for learning & passion for shaking things up, has helped him achieve success in some not so traditional ways.

Jul 05, 2018

Life, Productivity and The Pursuit of Happiness with Simon Raybould – 042

Dr Simon Raybould found his way to becoming a Speaker and Trainer, by way of being a professional researcher, actor, lighting technician and fire eater.

Jul 12, 2018

Five of The Best - 043

In this show, I’m sharing some of my best literary discoveries in the hope they’re useful to you too. They just might give you some food for thought, and maybe help you move forward faster.

Jul 19, 2018

The Productivity Ninja Speaks with Graham Allcott – 044

After founding his company Think Productive, Graham went on to write Productivity Ninja, which is a worldwide best seller. Today his team works with companies all over the world,

Jul 26, 2018

Apps, Hacks and Miracles – 045

I’ve also been trying stuff out this month, and so I thought I’d share some of my recent discoveries, and some of my tried and tested aids to increased productivity in my speaking, life and business.

Aug 02, 2018

Managing Your Mind with Brooke Hender – 046

In this show Brooke and I explore some of the thinking and behaviours that hold us back from achieving the success we want, in life, in speaking and in business.

Aug 02, 2018

Raise Your Voice with Jay Miller – 047

Jay has spent the last 20 years training speakers, actors and business people how to develop a great voice, as well as overcome anxiety around public speaking.

Aug 16, 2018

Lifting the Curtain on Me and Facebook Live - 048

I decided to ask Brooke Hender, a cognitive hypnotherapist, to take a look at this issue with me, and I’m sharing what happened in this episode.

Aug 30, 2018

How to Make Clever Funny with Dr. Steve Cross – 049

Steve gives us some brilliant tips for making our content funny, whether we’re a speaker looking to up our audience engagement, or a business owner looking for ways to build our brand and business

Sep 13, 2018

Framing Your Talks for Bigger Impact - 050

‘Framing’ - This concept is used in many art forms, and is basically another story, situation or structure that allows the original story to be told, or better understood by the audience.

Nov 22, 2021

Creating Stuff People Want with Paul Coleman – 051

With a career that has spanned the different disciplines of marketing, innovation, broadcasting & writing, he has a rich vein of experience to tap into...

Aug 30, 2018

Persona, Passion & Marmalade with Simon Fanshawe – 052

Simon Fanshawe is funny, authentic and passionate about making the world a better place. He trained as a lawyer and promptly abandoned a career in law and became a comedian.

Sep 13, 2018

Four Tools to Help Avoid Being a Dull Speaker - 053

One of my previous guests said that dull people should try something other than public speaking, and I have a slightly different view.

Sep 20, 2018

Navigating Change & Staying Relevant with Sophie Devonshire– 054

Sophie is much in demand as a speaker on contemporary leadership topics, business acceleration, brand transformation & much more...

Sep 27, 2018

Stepping Up as a Motivational Speaker with Joy Marsden – 055

Joy blends story, with song, humour and practical ideas to engage and inspire audiences across the globe.

Oct 04, 2018

Changing the World One Talk at a Time with Devin Thorpe – 056

Devin Thorpe spent many years in a corporate career - in finance, but he never forgot a promise he made to himself age 11. When he lost the job of his dreams it led him to re-evaluate his life purpose

Oct 04, 2018

Master your Mind to Achieve What Matters with Gail Gibson – 057

Gail Gibson has written a book on networking and spoken internationally and in this show she is sharing tips for improving our mindset and our speaking.

Oct 18, 2018

Mongrels, Sales and Speaking with Steve De Mamiel – 058

After 20 years in sales and marketing working for vineyards and clients like Google and Facebook, Steve De Mamiel knows a thing or two about what works in attracting and converting customers.

Oct 25, 2018

Speaking with Perspective, Purpose and Power with Charles Hanna – 059

Charles Hanna was on top of the world with a successful business and a family that he adored, when he began to sabotage his own success.

Nov 22, 2021

Mastering the Human Side of Speaking and Business with Peter Cheese – 060

Peter is an expert in people & change management, with a distinguished career at one of the biggest consulting firms in the world.

Nov 08, 2018

TransForming Perceptions Through Speaking with Joanne Lockwood – 061

In this show, Joanne is sharing the story of two journeys…how she came to be an international speaker, and how she came to be standing on stage as a woman.

Nov 29, 2018

How to Generate Leads in Your Speaking without Selling - 062

It is likely that you have previously been speaking at networking or corporate event, where it's not allowed, tactically sensible/appropriate to sell ‘overtly’. That's where this episode comes in...

Dec 13, 2018

How Speaking Can Bring Solace and Purpose with Clarry Bean – 063

After a battle lasting nearly 8 years Clarry Bean’s wife lost the fight for her life. Taking inspiration from t Christine's strength, he forced himself to find something positive to come out of it.

Dec 19, 2018

My Top 10 Tips for Public Speaking Success in 2019 - 064

My top 10 tips for public speaking success; from mindset to performance - I believe that if you use them in your public speaking to increase your effectiveness as a speaker significantly.

Mar 14, 2019

The Shocking Truth About How to Open and Close Your Presentations - 065

As a public speaker people might say you have an advantage because you’ve got a captive audience for your presentation, but I don’t think that is true.

Mar 14, 2019

From Recluse to Unstoppable International Speaker with Vicky Martin – 066

After leaving her job as an auditor and feeling like a helpless victim, Vicky Martin spent four years hiding from the world. Then something happened that gave her the strength to take back control

Mar 21, 2019

8 Tips for Managing Anxiety Around Public Speaking - 067

Someone contacted me for help two days before they were going to speak at an international conference to over 300 people. They were very scared and asked if I could give them some last-minute tips

Mar 28, 2019

From Page to Stage…Getting Bolder with Carl Honore – 068

One day Carl realized that in his pursuit of making other people’s lives better his own was passing by at breakneck speed and he was missing the important moments.

Apr 04, 2019

How Intentional Movement Can Power Up Your Public Speaking Part One - 069

In order to realise your full potential and impact as a speaker, it’s important that you understand and harness the power of your body language and movement in your communication with an audience.

Mar 28, 2019

How Intentional Movement Can Power Up Your Public Speaking Part Two - 070

In order to realise your full potential and impact as a public speaker, it’s important that you understand and harness the power of your body language & movement in your communication with an audience

Apr 18, 2019

How to Discover the Power of Letting Go in Life and Public Speaking with Jesse Brisendine – 071

Jesse Brisendine shares how he overcame the pain of his past to start movements and change lives through coaching and public speaking.

Apr 25, 2019

The Secret to Becoming a Public Speaker that Changes Lives - 072

This podcast holds the secret to helping you become a public speaker that is able to reach people and influence them to change their lives.

May 02, 2019

The Map to Greatness in Public Speaking - 073

In this podcast I share what I believe could be the secret to how you move from being a good speaker to a great one.

May 09, 2019

How a Self-Proclaimed Geek Ditched the Facts and Turned Public Speaking from a Waking Nightmare into a Golden Opportunity with Karin Layton – 074

Karin Layton described public speaking as a waking nightmare, but to get funding for her invention, she had to face her fear and get good.

May 16, 2019

The Truth About What Matters Most in Public Speaking and How Sexy Talk Titles Fit In - 075

Learn the number one measure of success in public speaking, and how to create presentation titles that grab attention.

Jun 20, 2019

How to tell a Story with Your Voice with Helen Langford – 076

Learn how to increase the impact of your public speaking through the secrets shared by voiceover artist Helen Langford

Jun 27, 2019

Building Mental Resilience and Speaking Success with Anthony Taylor – 077

Developing mental toughness can give you the edge in public speaking & business.

Jul 04, 2019

How to Make Your Audience Care and Create Lightbulb Moments  - 078

Learn the number one measure of success in public speaking, and how to create presentation titles that grab attention.

Jul 11, 2019

Tips for Good Health  and Tackling  Taboo  Subjects in  Your Talks with  Katherine  Brooke-MacKenzie - 079

What if your expertise was centred around something people don't like talking about?

Aug 15, 2019

The 10 Steps to Unlocking the Sensational Speaker Within - 080

My 10-step system that unlocks the sensational speaker in my students, so that they can get consistent results & realise their dreams…

Aug 22, 2019

Great Wedding Speech Tips & Humour Hacks with Chris Waddell  – 081

A wedding speech is one of the trickiest, high stakes talks to get right and doing one can feel like both an honour and a poison chalice!

Aug 29, 2019

Seven Deadly Slide Sins and How to Avoid Them - 082

So many people lose the impact and message of their presentation because of the mistakes they are making with their slides.

Sep 05, 2019

The 4 Steps to Framework Success in Your Public Speaking - 083

Frameworks are brilliant for helping people understand, learn & remember new concepts, skills & knowledge. They also make teaching them much easier for you as a speaker too.

Sep 12, 2019

Five Insider Tips for Adding Humour to Your Stories - 084

It’s not necessary for a story to be humorous for it to be powerful but adding humour in the right places will definitely increase the impact of your public speaking.

Sep 19, 2019

The Simple Truths About SEO and How it Makes Your Business Grow with Graham Baylis - 197

Graham Baylis is here to demystify SEO, so that you understand how to use it to grow your business by getting more traffic to your website.

Nov 18, 2021

The Art and Science of Successful Conversations - 196

Successful speaking, networking & marketing is about having great conversations with your audience. But how? That’s what this show is about.

Nov 11, 2021

The Simple Truth About Successful Marketing with Kaye King - 195

Thinking about marketing can evoke feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. If that’s true for you, then this interview with Kaye King will help.

Nov 04, 2021

How to Find the Big Moments of Your Talk - 085

As a speaker, you are a writer, director and performer and all these roles help bring your presentation to life.

Sep 26, 2019

How to Stay Mentally Strong Whatever Life Throws at You! with Linda Clarke - 086

My guest Linda Clarke is an expert in helping people develop mental strength and overcome fears, anxieties and phobias.

Oct 03, 2019

Become a Message Led Speaker not a Robot - 087

In this podcast I'm debunking some public speaking myths peddled by some well known organisations that might be harming rather than helping you become a great speaker!

Oct 10, 2019

Stepping out of the Shadows into the Light with Verla Fortier - 088

Verla Fortier was about to retire after a career in medicine, when a routine visit to the Doctor turned her world upside down.

Oct 17, 2019

When Should You Change Your Presentation? - 089

When is it time to change up your message and your presentation? I believe the answer to this question relates to you becoming an in demand speaker, and that’s what this show is about!

Oct 24, 2019

Event Promotion & Increasing Your Odds of Being Booked to Speak - 090

Get tips on maximising your chances of getting booked to speak and what you can do as a speaker to support the event’s success.

Oct 31, 2019

Breaking Free from ‘Bad’ Stories - 091

'Bad' Stories can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. So I'm sharing examples from my own life, and what I’ve done to break free so you can do the same too!

Nov 07, 2019

Why Speakers Should Consider Writing a Book and Tips on Doing it… with Joanna Penn - 092

'Bad' Stories can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. So I'm sharing examples from my own life, and what I’ve done to break free so you can do the same too!

Nov 14, 2019

The Biggest Mistake in Pitching and Presenting and How to Avoid it! - 093

Your ability to get & keep attention is correlated to your success in pitching & presenting. That’s what this episode is all about.

Nov 21, 2019

Build Your Niche, Not Your Brand! - 094

Follow the crowd and you will get lost in it. More people are speaking than ever before and the big question is...how can you find your niche and stand out?

Nov 28, 2019

The Shortcut to Happiness... with Nahla Summers - 095

Nahla Summers, collector of kindness, shares food for thought that will help you find more happiness, share your message and touch your heart.

Dec 05, 2019

The Lowdown on Using Webinars to Deliver Your Message - 096

Public Speaking is not restricted to the stage, and webinars are increasingly used by speakers. That’s why in this episode I’m giving you webinar 101.

Dec 12, 2019

How to Use and Interpret Non-Verbals to Get What You Want with Shelly O’Donovan - 097

Discover tips from expert Shelly O'Donovan for mastering your non-verbal communication and decoding it in others so that you can have more success.

Dec 19, 2019

Two Must Have Skills for Powerful Public Speaking - 098

There are two critical skills that we need for public speaking success. Find out what they are, why they matter, and how to get good at them!

Dec 27, 2019

12 Life Changing Book Suggestions to Help You Rock 2020 - 099

I’ve curated book recommendations for every month to help you achieve your goals and dreams in 2020 from some of my amazing Speaking Club guests.

Jan 02, 2020

Tips on Creating Stories and Speaking (Part One) with Film Maker Mickey Lemle - 100

I invited Master Storyteller and award-winning film maker Mickey Lemle to share some storytelling secrets with you across this two-part show.

Jan 09, 2020

Tips on Creating Stories and Speaking (Part Two) with Film Maker Mickey Lemle - 101

I invited Master Storyteller and award-winning film maker Mickey Lemle to share some storytelling secrets with you across this two-part show.

Jan 16, 2020

Building Your Sales Voice & Confidence with Diane Banister - 102

Whether you want more paid speaking gigs, or you have a product or service to sell, this show will strengthen your confidence and your sales voice.

Jan 23, 2020

Getting Your Public Speaking Persona Right! - 103

Where does your personality fit in to your presentation style and how do you find out what your persona is? Answers on this show!

Jan 30, 2020

From Silent Protestor to Viral Word Warrior with James Aspey - 104

James Aspey is a vegan activist who speaks globally, and his talks are watched by millions. Here he shares how he gets people to listen.

Feb 06, 2020

Bring in the Funny For More Money! - 105

Discover the humour tricks used to propel Dollar Shave Club and Squatty Potty to exponential sales growth, and how to apply them to your public speaking.

Feb 13, 2020

Taking the Fear Out of Successful PR with Angharad Massie - 106

Angharad Massie from Fearless PR shares secrets and actionable tips to get free publicity and increase your influence and impact.

Feb 20, 2020

Tips for Getting Your Ideas Created & Adopted with Greg Satell - 107

Greg Satell is an author and speaker on innovation and transformation. Here we discuss how to avoid becoming obsolete, stand out, and build a movement.

Mar 01, 2020

The Speaking Techniques Author Verla Fortier is Using to Make Sales Soar - 108

Speaking is a powerful tool for selling your idea, product or message. Here author Verla Fortier shares the speaking techniques working for her.

Mar 05, 2020

Ditching Imposter Syndrome and Getting Intentional with Clare Josa - 109

Imposter syndrome can imprison you... That’s why I have brought imposter syndrome expert Clare Josa onto the show to help us all get free.

Mar 12, 2020

The Obstacle is the Way - 110

You may be facing obstacles and challenges you haven’t come across before, whatever the source, here I give you tools, ideas & inspiration to get through.

Mar 19, 2020

Why You Should Seek the 'Truest Thing' For Connection and Laughs with Christian Russell-Pollock - 111

Whether you’re speaking online or onstage you’ve got to be able connect with your audience. Christian Russell-Pollock is here to share his secrets.

Mar 26, 2020

How to Protect the Lifeblood of Your Business with Nicki Kinton - 112

Cashflow management expert Nicki Kinton, helps to tackle issues that pose an immediate threat to your business survival, plus tips for building resilience.

Apr 02, 2020

Understanding Anxiety and How to Beat It with Colette Etheridge - 113

Mental Health Expert Colette Etheridge is sharing her story and brilliant tips and tools to find the source of our fears and how to beat anxiety.

Apr 09, 2020

Stop Expectations Sabotaging Your Success - 114

The distinction between what is probable vs what is possible, creates different paths. One sabotages us, the other is followed by those who achieve success!

Apr 16, 2020

The Journey to Business and Speaking Success with Mike Michalowicz - 115

Simon Sinek calls Mike Michalowicz “the top contender for the patron saint of entrepreneurs” and here he's sharing tips for business and speaking success.

Apr 23, 2020

Setting Your Authentic Voice Free for Great Public Speaking with Kristin Linklater - 116

Kristin Linklater is a world-renowned voice teacher, actor and speaker. She is sharing tips to help you unleash the full potential of your authentic voice.

Apr 30, 2020

How to Build Your Brand and Grow Your Audience on Instagram with Tasha Meys - 117

Want to build your brand and audience? Well Tash Meys from Ace the Gram is here to share Instagram tips & tricks on just how to do that!

May 07, 2020

Is Your ‘Content Flow’ Causing Your Audience to Switch Off? - 118

Whether you’re doing a Facebook live or keynote speech, to keep your audience engaged you need to care about content flow and that’s what this is about.

May 14, 2020

How to Share and Make them Care with Monder Ram - 119

Professor Monder Ram OBE shares changes he made to increase impact & success as a Global Speaker.

May 21, 2020

How to Navigate Sales Conversations Online with Diane Banister - 120

Sales expert Diane Banister shares tips on how to navigate the new online landscape for sales conversations and how she took her own business online.

May 28, 2020

Build Your Brand By Being an AWESOME Podcast Guest - 121

Doing podcast guest interviews helps you leverage one of the fastest growing mediums for sharing your message, and that's whar this show will help you do.

Jun 04, 2020

Speaking a Brighter Future into Existence with Michael Arterberry - 122

Michael Arterberry shares the tools and techniques he uses for creating 'aha' moments to help people dump their baggage and forge a new future.

Jun 11, 2020

The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part One) - 123

This show, (the first in a 3-part series) will help you stand out, build your tribe and get more leads when you’re speaking online.

Jun 18, 2020

Ideas for Creating Art with Your Speaking with Jade Jeffers - 124

Beachcombing artist Jade Jeffers shares how she creates stories with her art to give you a fresh perspective on creating stories for your speaking.

Jun 25, 2020

The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part Two) - 125

Get all your story questions answered so that you can start using them to stand out, begin building your tribe and to get more leads.

Jul 02, 2020

Storytelling. The Long and Short of It - 194

You have a limited amount of time to get your story across before their attention starts to wander. Here’s the why and what of keeping it brief.

Oct 28, 2021

Exploring Creativity and Speaking Impact with Fredrik Haren - 126

World expert on creativity and global speaker Fredrik Haren shares tips to increase your creativity and how to make your talks fresh and innovative!

Jul 09, 2020

The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part Three) - 127

I’m sharing the secret credo handed down for centuries that gives the blueprint for selling when you speak and where different story types fit in.

Jul 16, 2020

The Inside Track to Networking Like a Boss! With Devora Zack - 128

Practical advice for authentic networking from global speaker and best-selling author of 'Networking for People Who Hate Networking', Devora Zack

Jul 23, 2020

How to Gather and Leverage Testimonials to Grow Your Audience - 129

Testimonials are a powerful tool for turning leads into customers, that's why I'm giving you the lowdown on how to get them and leverage them!

Jul 29, 2020

The Secrets to Running Successful Events & Getting Booked to Speak at Them! With Debbie Bell - 130

Secrets to creating a great event as an organiser & speaker with Debbie Bell

Aug 06, 2020

Are You Missing Out On This Incredible Opportunity to Build Your Brand? - 131

Podcast interviews are a powerful way to share your message and build your brand. Get the lowdown on how to get started here.

Aug 13, 2020

The Three Keys to Achieving Your Dreams With Patti Dobrowolski - 132

Patti Dobrowolski’s work has been the catalyst for moving thousands of people from ‘stuck’ to ‘success’ and she’s here to share her secrets with you.

Aug 20, 2020

Why You Need a Mission Message & How to Find Yours - 133

If you struggle to articulate and share your mission message in a way that others can relate and buy into then this show will help!

Aug 27, 2020

Leveraging the Power of Direct Response Marketing as a Speaker with Brian Kurtz - 134

Brian Kurtz walked with Titans of direct marketing visionaries & copywriting legends.

Sep 03, 2020

Have You Got The Most Desirable Attributes of a Great Speaker? - 135

There are two attributes of a speaker most wanted by audiences and speakers alike. This show covers what they are and how to know if you have them!

Sep 10, 2020

Why You Should Love Your Audience and Yourself with Lynn Ruth Miller - 136

Lynn Ruth Miller is an award winning artist, storyteller and the oldest comedian around with great public speaking tips for you!

Sep 17, 2020

The Keys to Becoming a Compelling Force When You Speak - 137

Speaking on stage/online, gives you a big opportunity to become an influencer & this show will give you tips on how to make the most of that.

Sep 24, 2020

The Art & Science of Your Personal Brand with Tamara Glick- 138

A big part of selling comes down to whether people know, like and trust you. Tamara Glick is here to help get your personal brand right.

Oct 01, 2020

Mind These Gaps to Avoid Losing Your Audience - 139

In this show I tackle some of the less obvious traps that you can fall into when you’re speaking, which can kill your presentation stone dead

Oct 08, 2020

Where are You on the Path to Speaking Success? - 140

Discover the assets, skills and experience you need to become a high impact speaker, to pinpoint where you are on the path to success.

Oct 15, 2020

Wave Goodbye to Your Fears with Mark Visser - 141

Discover the assets, skills and experience you need to become a high impact speaker, to pinpoint where you are on the path to success.

Oct 22, 2020

Why You Should Stop Listening to this Podcast - 142

Learning can help you grow or can become a trap, deceiving you into thinking you’re moving forward when you’re just standing still!

Oct 29, 2020

Why You Need to Be More Strategic About Business Relationships with Peter Beaumont - 143

Peter Beaumont is here to help you identify where and how to build authentic and strategic business relationships that will help you grow your impact.

Nov 05, 2020

How to Captivate the Room When You’re Networking on Zoom - 144

Networking on Zoom is here to stay, so it’s time to let go of the past, utilise some advantages Zoom offers & level up your online pitching.

Nov 12, 2020

Tips for Creating a Compelling Message with Paul Archer - 145

Get tips on making your message compelling from lawyer, political campaigner and poverty activist, Paul Archer.

Nov 19, 2020

Do You Need to KonMari Your Mind? - 146

Have you got the right things packed in your mind to help you successfully navigate to your desired destination... or are your beliefs holding you back?

Nov 26, 2020

How to Make that One Connection That Could Change Everything with Brandon Fong - 147

At the age of 22 Brandon Fong was making connections that completely changed his life. He is here to share his connection secrets with you.

Dec 03, 2020

Your Internal GPS to Success - 148

Quite often we’re unaware of why we’re stuck or struggling. But we have an inbuilt GPS to success, that’s will guide us to the right path.

Dec 10, 2020

Why Failure is the Quickest Path to Getting What You Want with Jill Salzman - 149

International speaker and ‘Mommy Mogul’ Jill Salzman joins me to share how she navigated her way to success.

Dec 17, 2020

2020 Top 10 Speaking Questions Asked and Answered - 150

In 2020 I’ve gathered your top 10 public speaking Q's & in this show I’m answering them. A quick fire overview to get you moving in the right direction.

Dec 24, 2020

Public Speaking and Performing with Sarah Archer by Scott Gazzoli - 151

Get tips for public speaking, comedy, performing & storytelling & learn about my journey from my interview on the Causing the Effect podcast.

Dec 31, 2020

How to Make Your Success More Meaningful this Year with Lottie Moore - 152

As we plan our goals it’s worth considering what really matters, and Lottie Moore is here to explore this very question.

Jan 07, 2021

12 Pitching Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them - 153

You often get just one shot at success with your elevator pitch. That's why in this show I'm sharing the potential pitfalls for you to avoid.

Jan 14, 2021

Why You Don’t Need Confidence with Paul Wilson - 154

Mindset coach Paul Wilson, shares his personal mindset struggles and shows you how to overcome fear and get out of your own way.

Jan 21, 2021

The Seven Sins of Storytelling - 155

Those who tell the stories rule the world’ - Here’s my take on the 7 storytelling sins, to help you wield this magical tool more powerfully.

Jan 28, 2021

Rediscovering Your Birthright with Bernadette Bruckner - 156

Coach, lecturer, author & speaker, Bernadette Bruckner shares how her life transformed once she learnt how to discover her birthright.

Feb 04, 2021

Six Reasons You Should Make Speaking Your Number One Marketing Tool This Year - 157

The pandemic has changed the business landscape and to win in this new world you need to embrace speaking as your No.1 marketing tool.

Feb 11, 2021

How to Master Your Mind and Memory with Anthony Metivier (Part One) - 158

Anthony Metivier shares the incredible benefits of mind and memory mastery and tips for improving yours that you won’t want to miss.

Feb 18, 2021

How to Master Your Mind and Memory with Anthony Metivier (Part Two) - 159

Anthony Metivier shares the incredible benefits of mind and memory mastery and tips for improving yours that you won’t want to miss.

Feb 25, 2021

Can You Make Boring Subjects Sexy? - 160

If you think your topic is too boring to share. Think again! Here I show you tools that will enable you to make boring subjects sexy!

Mar 04, 2021

Supercharging Your Presence & Audience Connection with Brett Hill - 161

Brett Hill shares how you can unlock more happiness, increase your personal power, and become a better speaker.

Mar 11, 2021

The 4 Step Formula for Smashing Interview Presentations! - 162

If you want to climb the career ladder, you'll need these 4 steps that will show you how to prepare for interview presentation success!

Mar 18, 2021

How to Spend Your Time Wisely with Catherine Gladwyn - 163

Discover from Catherine Gladwyn how to work less and achieve more so that you can stop feeling overwhelmed and out of time.

Mar 25, 2021

Unblock the Dam and Set Your Stories Free! - 164

In this show I want to shift the barriers that stop you from leveraging the power of your stories in your speaking and marketing.

Apr 01, 2021

Stop Sabotaging and Start Soaring! - 165

Great speakers give talks that are natural, inspiring, compelling & engaging. Here I’m sharing what will hinder and help you do the same.

Apr 08, 2021

Getting Results with the Law of Attraction ...Whether You Believe in it Or Not! with Andrew Kap - 166

Andrew Kap, best selling author and expert shares how to use the Law of Attraction to get amazing results in your life and business.

Apr 15, 2021

Best of: The Hollywood Guru and the 100 Million Dollar Story with Michael Hauge - 167

Michael Hauge is a master of storytelling and he’s sharing how you can inspire your audience to action with stories that sell.

Apr 22, 2021

The Lowdown on Ums, Ahhs and Filler Words and Why Worrying About Them Could be Sabotaging Your Speaking - 168

In this episode I’m sharing why we use filler words when we speak, whether it matters & why worrying about them could be costing you a lot!

Apr 29, 2021

Best Of: Psychological Speaking Success with Richard Wiseman - 169

Richard Wiseman can make anything interesting, here he shares how to wow your audience.

May 06, 2021

How to Avoid Drowning Your Future in the Well of Intention - 170

Are there areas of your life & business that make you unhappy? I hope to give you insight into what to change to make what you want happen.

May 13, 2021

The Secret Stigma that Turned into a Superpower with Lexa Wokersien - 171

Lexa Wokersien hid her dyslexia for years because she feared it would ruin the chances of a career in marketing... She isn’t hiding anymore!

May 20, 2021

Shifting from Awkward to Awesome in Public Speaking (Part 1) - 172

The brief - In less than 60 minutes, can you share ‘How to Nail Public Speaking’. The Result - this two-part series.

May 27, 2021

Shifting from Awkward to Awesome in Public Speaking (Part 2) - 173

The brief - In less than 60 minutes, can you share ‘How to Nail Public Speaking’. The Result - this two-part series.

Jun 03, 2021

The 4% Mindset and Why You Should Think Like Apple with Iain Cahill - 174

Iain Cahill is on a mission to help small businesses adopt a 4% mindset so that they can leverage big business benefits, find out more here.

Jun 10, 2021

Creating a Tipping Point for the Planet One Talk at a Time with Graham Hill - 175

A visionary and entrepreneur, Graham Hill is proof that you can ‘do well and do good’. Today he is saving the planet one talk at a time.

Jun 17, 2021

The Key Thing You Need to Become an In Demand Speaker & Change Maker - 176

What have Brene Brown, Simon Sinek and Captain America got in common? Find out how to have the impact you want as a thought leader.

Jun 24, 2021

Taking Back Control of Your Future with Tim Box- 177

Maybe we’ve all been looking at anxiety in the wrong way. Tim Box is here to create some lightbulb moments and help you take back control if anxiety affects you.

Jul 01, 2021

Why You Need to Go Beyond ‘Understanding’ Your Audience - 178

Want your audience to think, feel and/or do something different? You need your talk to get under their skin - that’s what this show’s about.

Jul 08, 2021

Yes, And... How Improv Can Help You Grow Your Business And Impact with Avish Parashar - 179

Avish Parashar shares how he created a career out of his passion and how improv helps you grow your business and impact.

Jul 15, 2021

Tips for Remembering Your Talk - 180

Would you like your message to be more focused & remember your talks, webinar, podcast or ‘lives’ better? That’s what this show is all about.

Jul 22, 2021

Saving Lives through Storytelling with Gareth Lock - 181

See the impact you can have when you niche down, and how Gareth combines the power of stories & science to inspire change.

Jul 29, 2021

Best Of: What Makes a Great TEDx Talk with Ryan Hildebrandt - 182

The inside view of why you should do TEDx, how to get a spot & give yourself the best chance of becoming the next Simon Sinek or Brene Brown!

Aug 05, 2021

Level Up Your Lives With These Nine Tips - 183

This ‘essentials checklist’ will help you go live with intention & impact, so you’re building followers, not aimlessly chatting to your pet

Aug 12, 2021

How to Harness the Power of Subconscious Communication with Paul Ross - 184

Language expert Paul Ross is here to share subtle words that sell, to help you take your talks to another level.

Aug 19, 2021

Why You Need A Signature Sign Off - 185

It’s important to have a powerful, punchy and memorable way of sharing how you add value and that’s what this show is all about.

Aug 26, 2021

Speaking About How It Should be with Ruth Anslow - 186

Do you want to change in the world? Then you’ll love this interview with Ruth Anslow

Sep 06, 2021

Best Of: The 4 Steps to Framework Success in Your Public Speaking -  187

If you create a framework that underpins your product, idea or service, it can inspire you and accelerate your success.

Sep 09, 2021

The Cold Hard Truth About Becoming a Successful Speaker - 188

The benefits of becoming a successful speaker are massive, and in this show I want to share what it really takes to get there.

Sep 16, 2021

Why We Need to Treat Our Audience Like Ebenezer Scrooge -  189

Here, I’m sharing the dynamics of change and one powerful tool that will help you influence and lead change in your audiences.

Sep 23, 2021

The Top 5 Reasons Your Speaking Isn’t Having the Impact You Want! - 190

I’m sharing the top 5 speaking mistakes for you to avoid, and what you should be doing instead to create a signature talk that rocks.

Sep 30, 2021

How to Avoid Decision Making Disasters & Optimise Performance with Dr Sherril Kennedy - 191

Dr Sherril Kennedy discusses the art & science of making decisions so that you can avoid decision disasters & increase your chances of success

Oct 07, 2021

Spotlight Review: Learn From My Take on These Talks – 192

Sometimes the best way to cement learning is by seeing the teaching point in action. In this episode I’m sharing my analysis of some great short talks so that you see the learning brought to life.

Oct 14, 2021

Best Of: The Productivity Ninja Speaks with Graham Allcott – 193

Never before has the war for our attention been more pervasive. Productivity Ninja, Graham Allcot gives you great tips on how to get more focused, get more done & make your speaking more fun.

Oct 21, 2021