[Quick Tip] How to Get More People to Follow You - 312
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one will help you gain more traction and followers along your speaking journey.
[Quick Tip] The Secret Ingredient for Getting More Speaking Gigs - 309
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one will help you get booked to speak more often and accelerate your speaking journey.
[Quick Tip] How to be a Great Guest and Still Share Your Message Effectively on Podcasts, Panels & Fireside Chats - 307
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is helping you be a great guest and still get your talking points across.
[Quick Tip] Are Free Speaking Gigs Worth Doing? - 305
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is helping you evaluate free speaking opportunities faster & make them deliver value for you.
How to Put together a Game Changing Signature Keynote - 303
If you want to know why you need a signature keynote, how to create a great one, or why yours isn’t working, then this show is for you.
[Quick Tip] Does Your Idea have Enough Impact? - 302
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is helping you create an idea that will move your audience.
Why You Are Shackled by Self-Doubt and How to Break Free - 300
I’m aiming to help you better understand why you play smaller than you want, and arm you with new perspectives and tools to step fully into your power.
[Quick Tip] Do You Want to Wing it or Bring It as a Speaker? - 297
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content, this one is my view on why you shouldn't wing your talk.
Obstacles to Building Your Speaking Gig Pipeline - 295
Many people give up on their dream of becoming a professional speaker because they can’t get regular paid gigs. Here I’m sharing the things that stop them, so that you can avoid the same traps.
[Quick Tip] Nuggets from the Speaker Summit - 294
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is sharing expert advice from the speaker summit.
[Quick Tip] Why We Avoid Making Decisions and Give Up Too Soon! - 292
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one will help you make decisions faster and stay in action.
[Quick Tip] How to Make Your Talk More Marketable - 290
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on how to make your talk more marketable
[Quick Tip] Why Most Speakers will Never Get Paid to Speak - 288
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on creating your mission statement
License to Thrill… Your Audience - 285
Can’t understand why sometimes the audience is ‘with you’ and other times they’re as engaged as your grandad after Sunday lunch? This show has the answer.
[Quick Tip] Why You Need to Think Like the Victim Not the Hero - 284
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on creating your mission statement
[Quick Tip] How to Show Authority Without Shoving it in People’s Faces - 282
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.
[Quick Tip] Lead with the Problem - 278
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.
The Person You Should be Role Modelling for Success in 2024 - 279
In this episode, I’m sharing some new ideas for making this coming year your best ever. If you want to keep motivated long after New Year, then this show is for you.
[Quick Tip] Talking About the Plane vs. Talking About the Pain - 276
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.
[Quick Tip] Commit to the Hook of Your Talk - 272
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to increase the impact of the start of your talk.
[Quick Tip] How to Downsize Your Keynote - 270
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is about how to cut down your keynote.
Decoding Audience Sophistication: Tailoring Talks for Maximum Impact - 269
Like the sea, an effective talk should have an ebb and a flow, but why is this important and how do you leverage our human programming to do it? Find out here.
Increase Your Speaking Impact by Creating a ‘Push and Pull’ Talk - 268
Like the sea, an effective talk should have an ebb and a flow, but why is this important and how do you leverage our human programming to do it? Find out here.
How to Overcome Skepticism and Increase Audience Buy-In - 266
Here I’m sharing some tools to help you establish credibility for your message, overcome the skepticism so prevalent today, and get buy-in to your idea.
How to Write and Deliver a Eulogy - 263
How do you honour someone you cared for, keep your audience engaged and make it through without losing control? That’s what this show will answer.
[Quick Tip] Becoming a Thought Leader - 261
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content - this one is on becoming a thought leader
[Quick Tip] Rant and Reverse - 259
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content. This tip is all about Comic timing.
[Quick Tip] Comic Timing - 257
Quick tips to build your speaking confidence, skills, impact, business or engaging talk content. This tip is all about Comic timing.
The Four Steps to Standing Out in a Competitive Niche - 254
Are you struggling to stand out in a competitive niche? Help is here! Listen up to discover four things you need to do to become a thought leader in that space!
How to Build Rapport with an Audience and Why You Should do it - 253
Great content and strong presentation skills aren’t enough to get the results you want as a speaker. You also need something else and that extra ingredient is what I share all about here.
Can Meditating Make You a Better Speaker? - 252
More people than ever before are meditating, but I wanted to explore if meditation can make you a better speaker, and that’s what this show is all about.
The 12 Speaking Gems of Christmas (Treasure Hunt) - 249
This episode is a speaking treasure hunt. Discover the 12 ‘gems’ located in previous Speaking Club shows, and you’ll uplevel your speaking and get the chance to win big!
Overcome Anxiety and Power Up Your Speaking with this Secret Weapon - 245
Want to know what can kick speaking anxiety into touch and supercharge your confidence and delivery. Then listen up to find out.
[Best of] Build Your Brand By Being an AWESOME Podcast Guest – 242
Being a podcast guest enables you to leverage one of the fastest growing mediums for sharing your message, and this show will help you do just that.
My Five in Five Discoveries for Success and Happiness - 241
The Speaking Club is 5 this month! So to recognise this milestone, I'm sharing some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past 5 years in life, speaking & business. I hope they resonate with you
How to Share an Emotional Story Without Losing Control - 239
There are two questions that I get asked regularly about sharing emotionally charged stories. How much of the experience should I share, & how can I share it without losing control?
Vibrating at the Right Frequency When You Speak - 235
No matter how good your content or speaking skills are, without this one thing your talks will always lack the emotional punch needed to move your audience and get you results.
The Diamond Dozen for Developing Your Speaking Skills - 234
Speaking with impact is a combination of what you say & how you say it. Developing 4 core skills will help you deliver your message powerfully, these 12 ep's focus on the core 4 to help you be awesome
How to Harness the Power of Silence in Your Public Speaking - 233
I often coach clients on when, where, how & why to leverage the power of a pause in their talks. So, I'm sharing different ways you can use silence in your speaking to increase the punch of your talks
What is the Big Idea and Why Does it Matter for Successful Presentations? - 229
If your talk doesn’t have the ‘Big Idea’ it won’t have the impact you want. That’s why it’s a key concept in my talk framework. Here, I share what it is, why you need it & how you share it.
The Difference Between Inspirational and Motivational Speaking - 226
Many speakers confuse being ‘inspirational’ with being ‘motivational’. Being inspirational isn’t enough. you need to create the desire in your audience to do something. That’s what this show is about.
The Confidence Catch 22 for Using Stories and Humour in Speaking- 224
In this show I share the dilemma that trips up many people when they start using stories & humour to level up their speaking. Plus, I'll give you tips & ideas to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Why Employees Need Great Pitching Skills Too! - 223
Opportunities to pitch yourself, idea, or project can come anytime, anyplace or anywhere … networking, company meetings, social events, or around the water cooler. The question is ... are you ready?
Leading Successful Change Through Storytelling - 220
Most organisations struggle to implement change effectively. Leaders have a massive opportunity to influence successful change when they first communicate about it, and that’s what I share about here.
Tips for Creating a Talk and Using Speaking to Get More Book Sales - 219
In this show, I’m sharing tips for creating a talk about your book and how to adapt it to the different platforms for growing your audience.
How You Can Share Your Passion and Purpose on the Page with AnnMarie Wyncoll - 218
AnneMarie Wyncoll is here to help you decide whether you should write a book, and how to do it the right way.
What do TV Documentaries Have to Do with Whether You Should Use Slides in Your Talks? - 216
Should you use slides in your presentation? In this show, I’m sharing my answer and giving you the lowdown on alternatives.
Why You Should Always Lead with Emotion in Your Speaking and How to Do it - 214
How do you turn a series of events into an emotional story that inspires, lingers and leads to action? That’s what this show is all about.
Stimulating Serendipity: How to Be Luckier in Speaking and Business - 212
It’s easy to justify other people’s success & our failures by blaming them on luck. But what if you had the power to influence luck & get serendipity on your side?
Best of: Universal Themes & Story Plots for Powerful Public Speaking & Marketing Content
Universal themes and story plots are found running through the greatest talks, best-selling books, and highest performing sales copy. That’s why this episode has made it into my best of category.
Is Your Talk Speaking to the Right Audience? - 209
This show will help you avoid a big trap that many speakers fall into when they’re creating their talk that inevitably causes them lost sales.
‘KISS’… My Arse! How to Make Your Message Connect Better - 206
Struggling to connect your audience with your message in the way you want? Finding it difficult to make your topic sexy & accessible? Or succumbing to 1 of the biggest communication myths out there.
Why You Should PAT Your Audience! - 202
This business storytelling framework will make your content more engaging, save you time, build your confidence and grow your business.
The Biggest Barrier to Fulfilling Your Speaking Potential - 198
No matter how much you learn, unless you conquer this one thing, you will never fulfil your potential or get the results that you want.
No negative thought puts you in the corner! - 001
Whether you're just starting out, have some experience with speaking in public, or you make a living speaking professionally, there's will be something here for everyone.
How to Create a Killer Elevator Pitch - 003
I’ve written 100s of elevator/investor pitches for clients. On this show, I share some of my secrets. I talk you through my framework, & give practical examples of each step.
Secrets to Storytelling (Part One) - 005
I want to share why I believe stories are so critical to business & speaking success. I also give you the essential ingredients great stories must have and practical examples.
Secrets to Storytelling (Part Three) - 009
Whether you’re speaking, writing copy, or a book, this can help you create emotion and make it entertaining and engaging for your audience - this episode is for you!
Technically Speaking! - 011
This week’s episode gives you tools and techniques to use to make your presentations scintillating and accessible for audiences, even if the information you’re sharing is highly technical.
Making Your TEDx Talk Memorable with Orlaith Carmody - 013
Orlaith Carmody has a wealth of experience around TEDx and speaking generally. In this show, we get the low down on how to make any talk you do linger in the memories of your audience
What's Your Big Idea? with Terri Trespicio - 014
Terri speaks all over the USA, at a range of conferences and events, and was rated the #1 speaker at How Design Live in 2015. She also performs comedy regularly at clubs in New York City.
My TEDx Talk – The Good, The Bad & What I’d Do Differently Next Time - 015
This week’s episode brings together all the insight from my guests, & my own experience of TEDx, to give you a massive leg up to making your TEDx talk & achieve the results you want.
What is so funny...with Ashley Frieze - 016
In this episode, not only does Ashley take us behind the scenes of the life of a gigging comic, but shares some absolutely golden tips for how you can bring humour into your toolkit!
Humour 101 for Public Speaking – 019
Using humour as a speaker, sets you apart, and can build your career. Here, I share foundations of using humour in your speaking, the ingredients all jokes must have, and lots more.
Using Webinars and Workshops to Generate Leads and Sales – 020
If you’ve been considering doing a webinar, but you don’t know where to start, then this show is for you.
The Business of Speaking with Warren Knight - 021
Former Hip Hop dancer, Professional Speaker and Entreprenur, Warren Knight has a vision is to help 100,000 global businesses successfully sell more products and services by 2020.
My 8 Hacks for Mental Resilience and Getting What You Want - 024
I’m sharing my eight hacks for staying resilient in a world where it’s harder than ever not to compare, where noise and distractions are invading our space almost 24/7
How to Make Your Content Funny Without Forcing the Gag - 028
Most people are worried that using humour is risky, that it will sound forced, and that if they do a ‘joke’ and the audience doesn’t laugh, it will undermine their credibility...
How to Find Stories to Share in Your Talks, Teaching and Marketing Content - 033
I’m giving you several techniques for exploring your life, & unlocking your memories. I’m also giving you some examples of stories from my own life, how I would use them from different angles.
Universal Themes & Story Plots for Powerful Public Speaking & Marketing Content - 037
I’m going to share what I know about universal themes and story plots, and some examples of how you can use them practically in your public speaking and marketing content.
Five of The Best - 043
In this show, I’m sharing some of my best literary discoveries in the hope they’re useful to you too. They just might give you some food for thought, and maybe help you move forward faster.
The Productivity Ninja Speaks with Graham Allcott – 044
After founding his company Think Productive, Graham went on to write Productivity Ninja, which is a worldwide best seller. Today his team works with companies all over the world,
Apps, Hacks and Miracles – 045
I’ve also been trying stuff out this month, and so I thought I’d share some of my recent discoveries, and some of my tried and tested aids to increased productivity in my speaking, life and business.
Lifting the Curtain on Me and Facebook Live - 048
I decided to ask Brooke Hender, a cognitive hypnotherapist, to take a look at this issue with me, and I’m sharing what happened in this episode.
Framing Your Talks for Bigger Impact - 050
‘Framing’ - This concept is used in many art forms, and is basically another story, situation or structure that allows the original story to be told, or better understood by the audience.
How to Generate Leads in Your Speaking without Selling - 062
It is likely that you have previously been speaking at networking or corporate event, where it's not allowed, tactically sensible/appropriate to sell ‘overtly’. That's where this episode comes in...
My Top 10 Tips for Public Speaking Success in 2019 - 064
My top 10 tips for public speaking success; from mindset to performance - I believe that if you use them in your public speaking to increase your effectiveness as a speaker significantly.
The Shocking Truth About How to Open and Close Your Presentations - 065
As a public speaker people might say you have an advantage because you’ve got a captive audience for your presentation, but I don’t think that is true.
8 Tips for Managing Anxiety Around Public Speaking - 067
Someone contacted me for help two days before they were going to speak at an international conference to over 300 people. They were very scared and asked if I could give them some last-minute tips
How Intentional Movement Can Power Up Your Public Speaking Part One - 069
In order to realise your full potential and impact as a speaker, it’s important that you understand and harness the power of your body language and movement in your communication with an audience.
How Intentional Movement Can Power Up Your Public Speaking Part Two - 070
In order to realise your full potential and impact as a public speaker, it’s important that you understand and harness the power of your body language & movement in your communication with an audience
The Secret to Becoming a Public Speaker that Changes Lives - 072
This podcast holds the secret to helping you become a public speaker that is able to reach people and influence them to change their lives.
The Map to Greatness in Public Speaking - 073
In this podcast I share what I believe could be the secret to how you move from being a good speaker to a great one.
The Truth About What Matters Most in Public Speaking and How Sexy Talk Titles Fit In - 075
Learn the number one measure of success in public speaking, and how to create presentation titles that grab attention.
Seven Deadly Slide Sins and How to Avoid Them - 082
So many people lose the impact and message of their presentation because of the mistakes they are making with their slides.
The 4 Steps to Framework Success in Your Public Speaking - 083
Frameworks are brilliant for helping people understand, learn & remember new concepts, skills & knowledge. They also make teaching them much easier for you as a speaker too.
Five Insider Tips for Adding Humour to Your Stories - 084
It’s not necessary for a story to be humorous for it to be powerful but adding humour in the right places will definitely increase the impact of your public speaking.
The Art and Science of Successful Conversations - 196
Successful speaking, networking & marketing is about having great conversations with your audience. But how? That’s what this show is about.
How to Find the Big Moments of Your Talk - 085
As a speaker, you are a writer, director and performer and all these roles help bring your presentation to life.
Become a Message Led Speaker not a Robot - 087
In this podcast I'm debunking some public speaking myths peddled by some well known organisations that might be harming rather than helping you become a great speaker!
When Should You Change Your Presentation? - 089
When is it time to change up your message and your presentation? I believe the answer to this question relates to you becoming an in demand speaker, and that’s what this show is about!
Event Promotion & Increasing Your Odds of Being Booked to Speak - 090
Get tips on maximising your chances of getting booked to speak and what you can do as a speaker to support the event’s success.
Breaking Free from ‘Bad’ Stories - 091
'Bad' Stories can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams. So I'm sharing examples from my own life, and what I’ve done to break free so you can do the same too!
The Biggest Mistake in Pitching and Presenting and How to Avoid it! - 093
Your ability to get & keep attention is correlated to your success in pitching & presenting. That’s what this episode is all about.
Build Your Niche, Not Your Brand! - 094
Follow the crowd and you will get lost in it. More people are speaking than ever before and the big question is...how can you find your niche and stand out?
The Lowdown on Using Webinars to Deliver Your Message - 096
Public Speaking is not restricted to the stage, and webinars are increasingly used by speakers. That’s why in this episode I’m giving you webinar 101.
Two Must Have Skills for Powerful Public Speaking - 098
There are two critical skills that we need for public speaking success. Find out what they are, why they matter, and how to get good at them!
Getting Your Public Speaking Persona Right! - 103
Where does your personality fit in to your presentation style and how do you find out what your persona is? Answers on this show!
Bring in the Funny For More Money! - 105
Discover the humour tricks used to propel Dollar Shave Club and Squatty Potty to exponential sales growth, and how to apply them to your public speaking.
The Speaking Techniques Author Verla Fortier is Using to Make Sales Soar - 108
Speaking is a powerful tool for selling your idea, product or message. Here author Verla Fortier shares the speaking techniques working for her.
The Obstacle is the Way - 110
You may be facing obstacles and challenges you haven’t come across before, whatever the source, here I give you tools, ideas & inspiration to get through.
Stop Expectations Sabotaging Your Success - 114
The distinction between what is probable vs what is possible, creates different paths. One sabotages us, the other is followed by those who achieve success!
Is Your ‘Content Flow’ Causing Your Audience to Switch Off? - 118
Whether you’re doing a Facebook live or keynote speech, to keep your audience engaged you need to care about content flow and that’s what this is about.
Build Your Brand By Being an AWESOME Podcast Guest - 121
Doing podcast guest interviews helps you leverage one of the fastest growing mediums for sharing your message, and that's whar this show will help you do.
The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part One) - 123
This show, (the first in a 3-part series) will help you stand out, build your tribe and get more leads when you’re speaking online.
The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part Two) - 125
Get all your story questions answered so that you can start using them to stand out, begin building your tribe and to get more leads.
Storytelling. The Long and Short of It - 194
You have a limited amount of time to get your story across before their attention starts to wander. Here’s the why and what of keeping it brief.
The Secrets to Getting More Leads When You Speak Online (Part Three) - 127
I’m sharing the secret credo handed down for centuries that gives the blueprint for selling when you speak and where different story types fit in.
How to Gather and Leverage Testimonials to Grow Your Audience - 129
Testimonials are a powerful tool for turning leads into customers, that's why I'm giving you the lowdown on how to get them and leverage them!
Are You Missing Out On This Incredible Opportunity to Build Your Brand? - 131
Podcast interviews are a powerful way to share your message and build your brand. Get the lowdown on how to get started here.
Why You Need a Mission Message & How to Find Yours - 133
If you struggle to articulate and share your mission message in a way that others can relate and buy into then this show will help!
Have You Got The Most Desirable Attributes of a Great Speaker? - 135
There are two attributes of a speaker most wanted by audiences and speakers alike. This show covers what they are and how to know if you have them!
The Keys to Becoming a Compelling Force When You Speak - 137
Speaking on stage/online, gives you a big opportunity to become an influencer & this show will give you tips on how to make the most of that.
Mind These Gaps to Avoid Losing Your Audience - 139
In this show I tackle some of the less obvious traps that you can fall into when you’re speaking, which can kill your presentation stone dead
Where are You on the Path to Speaking Success? - 140
Discover the assets, skills and experience you need to become a high impact speaker, to pinpoint where you are on the path to success.
Why You Should Stop Listening to this Podcast - 142
Learning can help you grow or can become a trap, deceiving you into thinking you’re moving forward when you’re just standing still!
How to Captivate the Room When You’re Networking on Zoom - 144
Networking on Zoom is here to stay, so it’s time to let go of the past, utilise some advantages Zoom offers & level up your online pitching.
Do You Need to KonMari Your Mind? - 146
Have you got the right things packed in your mind to help you successfully navigate to your desired destination... or are your beliefs holding you back?
Your Internal GPS to Success - 148
Quite often we’re unaware of why we’re stuck or struggling. But we have an inbuilt GPS to success, that’s will guide us to the right path.
2020 Top 10 Speaking Questions Asked and Answered - 150
In 2020 I’ve gathered your top 10 public speaking Q's & in this show I’m answering them. A quick fire overview to get you moving in the right direction.
12 Pitching Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them - 153
You often get just one shot at success with your elevator pitch. That's why in this show I'm sharing the potential pitfalls for you to avoid.
The Seven Sins of Storytelling - 155
Those who tell the stories rule the world’ - Here’s my take on the 7 storytelling sins, to help you wield this magical tool more powerfully.
Six Reasons You Should Make Speaking Your Number One Marketing Tool This Year - 157
The pandemic has changed the business landscape and to win in this new world you need to embrace speaking as your No.1 marketing tool.
Can You Make Boring Subjects Sexy? - 160
If you think your topic is too boring to share. Think again! Here I show you tools that will enable you to make boring subjects sexy!
The 4 Step Formula for Smashing Interview Presentations! - 162
If you want to climb the career ladder, you'll need these 4 steps that will show you how to prepare for interview presentation success!
Unblock the Dam and Set Your Stories Free! - 164
In this show I want to shift the barriers that stop you from leveraging the power of your stories in your speaking and marketing.
Stop Sabotaging and Start Soaring! - 165
Great speakers give talks that are natural, inspiring, compelling & engaging. Here I’m sharing what will hinder and help you do the same.
The Lowdown on Ums, Ahhs and Filler Words and Why Worrying About Them Could be Sabotaging Your Speaking - 168
In this episode I’m sharing why we use filler words when we speak, whether it matters & why worrying about them could be costing you a lot!
How to Avoid Drowning Your Future in the Well of Intention - 170
Are there areas of your life & business that make you unhappy? I hope to give you insight into what to change to make what you want happen.
Shifting from Awkward to Awesome in Public Speaking (Part 1) - 172
The brief - In less than 60 minutes, can you share ‘How to Nail Public Speaking’. The Result - this two-part series.
Shifting from Awkward to Awesome in Public Speaking (Part 2) - 173
The brief - In less than 60 minutes, can you share ‘How to Nail Public Speaking’. The Result - this two-part series.
The Key Thing You Need to Become an In Demand Speaker & Change Maker - 176
What have Brene Brown, Simon Sinek and Captain America got in common? Find out how to have the impact you want as a thought leader.
Why You Need to Go Beyond ‘Understanding’ Your Audience - 178
Want your audience to think, feel and/or do something different? You need your talk to get under their skin - that’s what this show’s about.
Tips for Remembering Your Talk - 180
Would you like your message to be more focused & remember your talks, webinar, podcast or ‘lives’ better? That’s what this show is all about.
Level Up Your Lives With These Nine Tips - 183
This ‘essentials checklist’ will help you go live with intention & impact, so you’re building followers, not aimlessly chatting to your pet
Why You Need A Signature Sign Off - 185
It’s important to have a powerful, punchy and memorable way of sharing how you add value and that’s what this show is all about.
Best Of: The 4 Steps to Framework Success in Your Public Speaking - 187
If you create a framework that underpins your product, idea or service, it can inspire you and accelerate your success.
The Cold Hard Truth About Becoming a Successful Speaker - 188
The benefits of becoming a successful speaker are massive, and in this show I want to share what it really takes to get there.
Why We Need to Treat Our Audience Like Ebenezer Scrooge - 189
Here, I’m sharing the dynamics of change and one powerful tool that will help you influence and lead change in your audiences.
The Top 5 Reasons Your Speaking Isn’t Having the Impact You Want! - 190
I’m sharing the top 5 speaking mistakes for you to avoid, and what you should be doing instead to create a signature talk that rocks.